Foul Play or “Fair Game?”February 7, 2011By now the movie version of the Valerie Plame book, Fair Game, has been so thoroughly debunked, as has the version of history that it purports to tell, that it hardly seems necessary to go back down this path again. But unfortunately it is. Because although the movie bombed at the box office, grossing less than $10 million in the U.S. since its release in November, its assault on the truth will continue as a DVD release, video-on-demand, premium cable and on network TV. The movie stars Naomi Watts as Valerie Plame, former CIA operative, and left-wing activist Sean Penn as her husband Joseph Wilson, a former ambassador and central figure in a partially successful effort to rewrite history, that nearly brought down a President in the middle of a war. The film was financed by Imagenation Abu Dhabi, owned by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) royal family, which has also financed other anti-American propaganda. The three basic lies of the story they tell are these: 1) The Bush administration knowingly lied us into war against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq by twisting evidence to make people believe that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and was a threat to this country; and 2) when former ambassador Wilson blew the whistle on Bush and Cheney for doing so, they got back at him by outing his wife, a covert CIA agent; and 3) Scooter Libby led the White House effort to out Ms. Plame and discredit her husband, and then took the fall for the administration. Within these lies are a whole series of lies and misrepresentations and deliberate damage done to the reputations of a lot of people. As someone who has explored this topic through an award-winning documentary, “Confronting Iraq: Conflict and Hope,” a series of articles, and public debates, I regret that this case regularly must be re-litigated. But it is. There are many fine examples of reporting, and commentary, that have brilliantly and effectively made the necessary arguments, but there is significant detail that requires further exposition, which I will attempt later in this report. The movie was actually based on Ms. Wilson’s book, and Joe Wilson’s book, The Politics of Truth, and made with their cooperation. The New York Times, in its review of the film, acknowledges that the film does “not disguise its sympathies.” It says that “in 2002, [Plame] is given the assignment of investigating Saddam Hussein’s nuclear and biological weapons programs.” Calling the film terrifically entertaining, they write, “When she and her colleagues find extensive evidence that Iraq is not actively developing weapons of mass destruction, their conclusions are overridden by men from the office of the vice president, most notably I. Lewis Libby Jr., known as Scooter…” The Times must know this is utter nonsense, but they go on. “Dispatched to Niger , at Valerie’s suggestion, to check out allegations that Hussein had purchased large quantities of uranium, [Joe] finds nothing. When Mr. Bush, in his State of the Union address, contends that Iraq had indeed gone shopping for nuclear material in Africa, Joe tries to set the record straight and then publishes an Op-Ed article in The New York Times to make his case. “You may remember what happens next. Valerie’s cover is blown, and Joe wages a noisy campaign to expose the culprits and to defend both of their reputations against an onslaught of spin, innuendo and attempted character assassination.” That version is exactly what the Wilsons and the filmmakers want you to believe. However, it bears little resemblance to the truth. In a column dated July 14, 2003, eight days after Wilson’s column had appeared in the Times, columnist Robert Novak identified Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, as a CIA operative who had recommended her husband. The CIA spokesman had confirmed Plame’s identity for Novak. This series of events, and a lot more that I don’t have room for here, led to the appointment of a Special Prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, who indicted one person, Scooter Libby, for perjury and obstruction of justice. No one was indicted for leaking classified information, or outing a covert CIA agent, or any such crimes. Libby never should have been indicted, much less found guilty. Fitzgerald, who had a grudge against Libby from previous matters, knew from the start that it was Richard Armitage, a high ranking State Department official who had given Plame’s name to Novak. Both Armitage and Novak were known to be against going to war in Iraq . Special kudos to the journalists who have stepped up on this story, and debunked The New York Times/Plame/Wilson version of events. When this story was unfolding, Christopher Hitchens led the way in exposing evidence that Saddam Hussein had sought uranium from Niger . Byron York, who did great work during Scooter Libby’s trial, showed how flawed the witnesses were, along with the prosecution’s case. Cliff May has also done some great work on this story, particularly regarding Wilson’s trip to Niger. As far as debunking the movie, “Fair Game,” three people have done excellent analysis. Quin Hillyer, writing for both The Washington Times and Spectator.Org; Stan Crock, the former Washington news editor and chief diplomatic correspondent for Business Week, and Jamie Weinstein, for The Daily Caller. Weinstein identifies four myths propagated by the film, and explains the truth behind each one. “MOVIE MYTH #1: Scooter Libby and other members of the Bush administration pressured CIA analysts into providing cherry-picked intelligence to justify the Iraq War.” This absolutely did not happen, as the bi-partisan Robb-Silberman Commission made clear. “MOVIE MYTH #2: The intelligence community didn’t believe the aluminum tubes purchased by Iraq were for its nuclear program.” Again, the Robb-Silberman Commission proves this false, too. “MOVIE MYTH #3: The 16 words about uranium from Africa in Bush’s State of the Union speech were a lie, and it was well known to be a lie because of Joe Wilson’s trip to Niger .” Those words, “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,” have been confirmed on many occasions by the British. Wilson’s report to the CIA after his trip to Niger only confirmed this even more, rather than prove it was false. “MOVIE MYTH #4: The revelation of Valerie Plame’s association with the CIA gravely harmed American intelligence efforts and cost lives.” This too is false, according to Washington Post reporter Walter Pincus, who has solid contacts with the intelligence community. Surprisingly, The Washington Post has been among Wilson’s harshest critics. In a December 3 editorial, they wrote, “‘Fair Game,’ based on books by Mr. Wilson and his wife, is full of distortions—not to mention outright inventions.” Among those it cites are the one about the 16 words in the State of the Union address, their story that “Ms. Plame’s exposure was the result of a White House conspiracy. A lengthy and wasteful investigation by a special prosecutor found no such conspiracy,” said the Post editorial, “but it did confirm that the prime source of a newspaper column identifying Ms. Plame was a State Department official, not a White House political operative.” They added that “Hollywood has a habit of making movies about historical events without regard for the truth; ‘Fair Game’ is just one more example. But the film’s reception illustrates a more troubling trend of political debates in Washington in which established facts are willfully ignored. Mr. Wilson claimed that he had proved that Mr. Bush deliberately twisted the truth about Iraq , and he was eagerly embraced by those who insist the former president lied the country into a war. Though it was long ago established that Mr. Wilson himself was not telling the truth—not about his mission to Niger and not about his wife—the myth endures.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
Roger Aronoff is the Editor of Accuracy in Media, and a member of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi. He can be contacted at