"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Jimmy Carter’s Life And The Death Of America

January 13, 2025

They tell us that Jimmy Carter was a great ex-president, a description designed to camouflage his disastrous four years as president. We must know the truth as America moves forward. We must not celebrate his one and only presidential term.

Instead, we must remember why Ronald Reagan defeated him. A big reason can be viewed in the televised debate, “Resolved: That the Senate Should Ratify the Proposed Panama Canal Treaties,” in which Reagan opposed William F. Buckley Jr. and the Jimmy Carter position.

The Senate ratified the treaty on March 16, 1978 by a vote of 68 to 32.

Trump recently sided with Reagan, vowing to retake the Panama Canal, which has fallen into the hands of the Communist Chinese. 

Whether Trump will do this or not, America’s future depends on disavowing Jimmy Carter’s legacy and telling the truth about his service to America’s enemies. 

In addition to giving away the Panama Canal, Carter’s big “contribution” to America’s history and destiny was undermining American allies, facilitating global Jihad, encouraging the rise of Red China, and playing patty-cake with the dictator of Communist North Korea.

The latter led to the eventual emergence of another communist nation capable of hitting the United States with nuclear weapons. It just fired another intermediate-range ballistic missile.

In addition, his weakness invited a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, leading to his successor President Ronald Reagan’s support for Afghan “freedom fighters” who included some jihadists that got so strong in that part of the world under Reagan’s successors that they attacked America on 9/11. 

Afghanistan was attacked by America in response, but the long war came to an end under Joe Biden and the country returned to the control of the Taliban and their Jihadist allies. 

In that case and many others, America is dealing with Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy disasters. The Middle East is a mess, made worse by Joe Biden, and so is Europe, where Reagan after Carter’s disastrous four years had to confront the Soviet military build-up and issue the demand “Tear down this wall,” to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.

Under Democrat President Bill Clinton, the U.S. vowed to defend Ukraine from Russian aggression. That didn’t happen under Barack Hussein Obama, when the first Russian invasion of Ukraine took place, but did happen belatedly under Biden, which became a costly no-win war that Trump has vowed to end in his second term. 

Carter “normalized” diplomatic relations between the United States and Communist China in 1979, throwing the Republic of China on Taiwan, a democracy, under the bus. No one knows when Red China will invade the peaceful country, another potential disaster that Trump must now deal with.  

Yet Joe Biden claimed that Carter tried to “forge peace, advance civil rights and human rights” and “promote free and fair elections…”

Dick Morris’s presentation on how Jimmy Carter’s legacy was “Peace in The Middle East” is laughable. He did negotiate a 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty, but Carter believed that Palestinian Liberation Organization chairman Yasser Arafat, a Soviet KGB agent, was a man of peace.

What is more, Carter supported a “homeland” for the Palestinians and hated Israel, as reflected in his book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, earning him the label “Jew-hater.”

His Carter Center was partly financed with big money from the Arab states.

Bankrupting America

His disastrous economic policies, including double-digit inflation, did enormous damage. I bought my first house when his economic policies had not yet been diffused by President Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts and the mortgage interest rate was then over 16 percent. 

As an ex-president, he built houses. But the house he left me was too expensive and too small for a growing family.   

On the global stage, he surrendered Iran to the global Islamic Jihad and gave away the Panama Canal, under the cover of his “America Last” foreign policy. He also promoted socialized medicine. 

Carter left a mess for Reagan, just as Biden leaves a mess for Trump.

The Washington Post claim that his work after the White House “made Jimmy Carter a standout” was another laugh. Through his Carter Center he became even more left-wing.

The Carter Center’s report, The Big Lie and Big Tech, accused conservatives of spreading misinformation, when Big Tech perpetuated the “Big Lie” that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian propaganda. 

Not surprisingly, the Carter Center identified the Soros-funded Open Society Institute as “a generous supporter of The Carter Center since 1998.” 

It maintained a “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” department.

We are told he was a good man and it appears he had a happy and stable marriage to Rosalynn. But being a good man doesn’t erase the need to address his disastrous four years. 

On Fox News, regarding Carter’s death at 100, a panelist said that if you didn’t have anything good to say about a man after his death, don’t say anything. She said this is how she deals with her kids. She wanted to shut down the discussion of his very bad foreign policy.

We are not kids. We are adults. We can handle the truth.

Another Bad Treaty

In addition to giving Iran to the mullahs and giving away the Panama Canal, he tried to get Senate approval for the Law of the Sea Treaty, which was negotiated and written by socialists and world-government advocates, mainly under the Jimmy Carter administration. It was so bad that President Reagan flatly rejected it.

On top of these betrayals, he facilitated the communist takeover of Nicaragua in Central America in 1979, giving his successor Reagan another foreign policy mess to deal with. When Reagan authorized support for Nicaraguan freedom fighters, Democrats threatened to impeach him over the “Iran-Contra affair,” a reference to the president’s successful efforts to free American hostages in the Middle East.   

Under fire for a series of American setbacks around the world, there was an illegal leak of classified information to make Carter look like a tough foreign policy president. The leak was that the U.S. was developing stealth technology so our aircraft and other weapons of war could avoid radar.

A congressional report said that Carter Defense Secretary Harold Brown was trying “to make the administration look good in an election year.” Adm. Elmo Zumwalt (ret.), a former chief of naval operations, testified under oath that official sources had told him that Carter had authorized the Stealth leak to make himself look good. President Carter tried to cover up his own involvement in the leak, ordering his aides not to testify.

If you’ve seen the movie “Reagan,” you will get a glimpse of history, such as when Reagan was running and winning big against Carter and then winning big against Carter’s vice-president Walter Mondale, who ran against Reagan in 1984. 

Reagan defeated Carter in a landslide in 1980, winning 44 states and carrying the popular vote by 10 points. Reagan defeated Mondale 58.8 percent to 40.6 percent, a popular vote margin of eighteen points, carrying all of the states except Minnesota and D.C.

Jimmy Carter created the Department of Education, which Reagan tried but failed to eliminate. This is another legacy from his days as president that has only made things worse and wasted lots of federal money. 

His idea of confronting the need for energy was to wear a sweater. He also installed solar water heating panels on the roof of the White House that Reagan took down.

His infamous “malaise” speech was a downer. Even the Marxists concede he made everything worse, from their point of view. 

Hailed as a great Christian thinker, his record on so-called gay and transgender rights “grew stronger” as he grew older, the Advocate declared

A spokesman for a gay lobby, the Human Rights Campaign, said, “In recent years, he became a prominent voice in support of LGBTQ+ rights, speaking out for marriage equality at a time when most national leaders in the U.S. still opposed it.”

So this “devout Baptist” abandoned the Christian teaching on homosexuality. He compromised for personal accolades and political profit.

Even worse, his wife Rosalynn was part of the scam. She was very close to the Marxist lunatic preacher Jim Jones, who led a mass suicide in Guyana. He posed for a picture with her and wrote to her asking for friendly relations with Communist Cuba.  

She also posed with John Wayne Gacy, a homosexual pedophile who raped, tortured, and murdered at least 33 young men and boys. He was a local Democratic Party official.

In the same vein, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter visited communist North Korea in 1994, but his “peace plan” was for South Korea to reduce the number of U.S. nuclear warheads in the nation. 

How did that work out?

The establishment journal Foreign Affairs now admits that the only deterrent to North Korean aggression is a homemade nuclear weapons deterrent for South Korea. It’s another major challenge for Trump.

The authors write, “North Korea’s capabilities are growing. Pyongyang has developed an intercontinental ballistic missile, which raises doubts about whether the United States would honor its alliance commitment and fight for South Korea, because North Korea can now strike American cities with a nuclear weapon.”

Regarding North Korea’s sponsor, Communist China, the Carter Center promoted friendly relations with Beijing under the category of “Peace.” It perfectly summarized the Carter view of the world, in which America gave away its sovereignty to other nations, communist or otherwise. 

This “peace of the grave,” as America struggles to survive this dangerous world, was reserved for America under Jimmy Carter policies which through incompetence or design continue to do enormous damage to our people and our standing in the world.

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