"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

A Flower For A Pre-Born

December 23, 2024

As an author of current events for this publication and others, I find that the issue of abortion concerns me more than any other. I know that I am in the minority of people in America. The Lord has blessed my wife and me with four sons, three daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren. 

On January 22, 1973, the Texas law that banned abortion was overturned by the United States Supreme Court. From that date in 1973 through December 2024, over 70 million pre-born babies have been killed in the United States. 

From a historical perspective, I believe those 70 million are more numerous than all the Americans who have died in conflicts throughout the entire history of our nation. I could no longer just write about this genocide; I needed to do something else. I needed to become proactive to try and save the innocent pre-borns.

A few years ago, I was living on Sanibel Island, Florida, out in the Gulf of Mexico. My church had just started a new men's group. We raised money for a homeless shelter and a food pantry. We were looking for something else to do, so we adopted a pregnancy crisis center that needed help paying for sonograms for pregnant women who were making the decision as to whether or not to abort their unborn child. The fundraiser we decided on was selling Amaryllis bulbs in the weeks before Christmas. We sold 100 bulbs which paid for 100 sonograms, thus helping save 100 babies' lives. We did this for three more years. This stopped with COVID-19 and Hurricane Ian. Our family had significant problems. Our house was destroyed by hurricane Ian, and we lost everything. I had COVID 3 times and a heart attack. We moved twice and tried 2 different churches. We landed at Saint John XXIII Catholic Church in Ft. Myers where I joined an organization called the “Knights of Columbus.” I had heard about the group but never joined in my 77 years. I knew nothing about what they did, so I attended monthly meetings and just listened. 

I finally couldn't keep quiet any longer; I spoke to the Grand Knight about the amaryllis fund-raising project to try and make a statement about standing up for pre-born babies. He agreed that I could speak to the knights and almost all the men had no idea what I was talking about; they had never heard of amaryllis bulbs. When I talked about using the proceeds to help pay for sonograms, they perked up and agreed to give it a try on the condition that I would take charge of the program. I agreed, and I suggested that we start with 100 bulbs which a parish member agreed to pay for. A motion was introduced that the knights match with 100 more bulbs. If we could sell all 200, we could save 200 pre-born babies. We agreed to start selling bulbs on the weekend after Thanksgiving. 

I was scheduled to be out of town that weekend. When I came back, the news was bad. We had only sold 15 bulbs the first weekend. I went to the pastor and asked to speak to the community at the masses the following weekend. I told them we needed to step up and save some babies. By the third weekend, we sold all 200 bulbs and also had cash donations. 

This year, we had the fundraiser again, only this time, we sold 225 bulbs by the third weekend. Between the programs in the two churches, we saved almost 1,000 pre-borns in southwest Florida. The greatest gift I could ever receive anytime including Christmas is saving the life of a pre-born. This program has sparked a new spirit in the congregation. People came up to me telling me how beautiful the red flowers were last year, and that they are looking forward to this year’s bulbs.

If you have a group interested in saving pre-born lives, send me an e-mail at the link below and I will send you the details of how to get started. Make Christmas next year the best you have ever had.

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Dan Perkins is the author of 9 books, a nationally syndicated talk show host, an expert on energy, the founder of the Black and White radio and TV network promoting free speech, and the host of two shows on the network, Blacks and Whites and Dan After Dark. His newest outlet for commentary is https://yournews.com/33908. You can find more info about Dan and his works at danperkins.guru.
Visit Dan Perkins's website at www.DanPerkins.guru