"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

The Christmas Spirit Will Not Be Spoiled By The Scoundrel

December 9, 2024

It’s that time of the year, good tidings and cheer. The sights and sounds as Christmas Day approaches are all around us. The department store windows are all decorated with festive lights and extravagant scenes out of the book Americana, while Santa Claus waits patiently inside for the children to come and say hello, and tell him of their Christmas wishes. But of greater significance of this one day, is that aside from all the celebrations that accompany Christmas, they mean nothing without acknowledging the historical truth of the birth of the Prince of Peace.

Still, the days leading up to Christmas do not dispel its true meaning and spirit, so we partake of the festivities. There are the church bells ringing, and carolers singing, and the Salvation Army calling the people to put a bit of change in their kettle pot. You can see in the eyes of the children and even the adults, they glow and seem to smile, as they search for the right gift. Even strangers greeting one another with a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday as they prepare for that special day, all are part of the season of joy, hope, peace, and brotherhood.

There’s music as radio stations have already begun their holiday programming; “Silent Night, Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, and Santa Clause is coming to Town.” And there’s the usual holiday fare on television, the movies we’ve come to cherish; It’s a Wonderful Life, March of the Wooden Soldiers, Wizard of Oz, and Going My Way - we’ve heard the songs and watched the movies a thousand times, but they never seem to grow old. 

Yes indeed, the Christmas season is special for most people, but there are the less fortunate among us, and we should extend every accommodation and lend a helping hand wherever and whenever possible. With all the happy and festive activities, the good will toward one another, and the holy and spiritual aspect of the day, come the despoilers.

I would prefer not to dwell on these denizens of darkness at this time, but they’re here and must be dealt with. We must all remain vigilant and always on the alert of their nefarious, dangerous, and sometimes violent ways, because Christmas holds little value to these criminals. The incidents of theft in retail outlets, on the internet, and in the homes of families have increased and proliferate at this time of the year.

The monetary loss is in the billions of dollars. One area that increases in intensity during the holiday season is the theft of deliveries made by various entities, in particular Amazon, Federal Express, UPS, and DHL. The “Porch Pirates,” as they have come to be known, canvas a neighborhood and wait for one of these carriers to make a delivery. After the carrier leaves, the thief enters the property and steals the package.

There are also those who will wait outside ATM locations and follow the individual, assuming they have withdrawn cash. They will then meet up with associates who were waiting out of sight. They approach and threaten the unsuspecting person with harm, unless they hand over the money. Again, this is especially the case now during this time of the Christmas/holiday season. 

The “Mall Rats,” are undesirables; their activities can involve one of two, or both depending on the mall’s security. They will canvas the store and look for the customers with a good number of bags, and follow that person to their car and then commit their dastardly deed. These thieves will usually prey on unsuspecting females, especially those with children. Their other method is to just wait outside the store for the shopper, again with the most bags, and follow them to their car. Most will work in groups, so that if the store has multiple entries/exists, they can monitor them all.

These thieves and scoundrels shatter the quality of life of their victims, and threaten their sense of safety while undermining the holiday spirit. Over time, I have learned to consider any stranger or activity, whether in person or online, with a healthy dose of skepticism. So, beware and don’t fall for the ruse, be vigilant and always be on your guard.

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