"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Of The Election

November 11, 2024

The November 2024 presidential election has been decided and the winner chosen, Donald Trump is the 47th President of the United States. And to the winner go the spoils, and they are many. The president-elect will have his hands full. The past three-plus years of the Biden-Harris administration have created among the people a sense of urgency, uncertainty, and apprehension.

When asked whether they are better off now than during the Trump administration, the majority responded “No.” People are waiting with resigned expectation for change, many living paycheck to paycheck, maxing out their credit cards, and finding it difficult to make ends meet. Food prices, mortgage rates, and prices at the gas pump have increased substantially.

The economy, inflation, illegal immigration, the southern border, and wars in Eastern Europe and Gaza are high on the priority list of the American people. There can be no grace period for the new administration, the president and his cabinet will have to hit the ground running. And there is another issue that I believe must be addressed, a dilemma that has come to the forefront in the cultural war.

In last week’s writing, I discussed the issue of transgenderism and its threat to the family and children, and how the practitioners of gender reassignment surgery and puberty blockers are out for profit and are harming the young with devastating physical and psychological long-term effects. There is another aspect, however, to the transgender issue that has been causing tremendous anger and controversy - biological males in female sports.

The threat of this issue to female sports has increased over the last several years. As far as I can determine, it came more into focus and part of the public debate in 2022. Lia Thomas, a transgender female but biological male, competed in the NCAA national swimming championship, won, and set a new record. From that point on the issue has intensified, and has also reached the halls of Congress.

The extent of the transgender movement and its imposition culturally and socially, is tantamount to an invasion by a hostile foe. The driving force behind this, along with activists, media, and many in the ruling class, is the Democratic Party. They have been providing the impetus and incentive, at taxpayer expense, to legitimize and create a foundation for acceptance into the mainstream. Here is one example.

Democrats schemed to pull the wool over the eyes of the people. As part of the election process, there are ballot proposals, one in particular being BP1. The New York State legislature, dominated by a Democrat majority, has previously passed an Equal Rights Amendment in two consecutive legislative sessions. They now sought to amend the NY State Constitution.

The proposal adds anti-discrimination covering ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and pregnancy. They do this under a false pretext that the proposal is mainly to uphold abortion rights, which have been codified into the state constitution since 2019. Also, abortion is never mentioned in BP1.

Regrettably, BP1 passed, and it will give special and unique rights to the transgenders as well as illegal migrants. This would allow illegal immigrants the right to vote, and would undermine and pose a threat to religious institutions, hospitals, schools, and businesses that do not recognize transgenderism. Schools and colleges would be forced to recognize biological males in female sports. All these entities could face lawsuits for not complying with BP1.

This travesty was perpetrated by radical progressive Democrats who lied to the people about its meaning. Even though New York airwaves, both radio and television, were inundated with vote NO spots on Ballot Proposal 1, it was to no avail. Although the American people came through and elected the right president, Donald Trump, and Vice President J.D. Vance, to restore American greatness, the people of New York must deal with this madness.

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