"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Christian Nationalism, Out Of The Minds Of Secularists

October 21, 2024

“The only foundation for a republic is to be laid in Religion. Without this there can be no virtue, and without virtue there can be no liberty, and liberty is the object and life of all Republican governments.” Benjamin Rush

As most of us have come to realize, Democrats, the media, and radical Left activists will say and/or do just about anything to advance their relentless and ruthless agenda. They will seize upon any nugget of information, whether legitimate, or without any truth or substance whatsoever. Their latest issue that is increasingly the object of their undivided attention is Christian Nationalism.

Christian Nationalism (CN), according to its critics and detractors, is a movement to integrate Christianity into the civic life of America. They say it is a threat, with violent overtones, to the nation’s stability, and ultimately seeks to establish a theocracy. The accusations of CN’s influence in the culture are mainly out of the minds of academics, supported by those entities I previously mentioned.

The most aggressive voice against CN is Amanda Tyler, the Executive Director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty (BJC), and is the organizer for Christians against Christian Nationalism (CCN). In October 2023, Tyler appeared before the U.S. House Oversight Committee’s subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs. In her testimony Tyler expressed how “The greatest threat to religious liberty in the United States today is Christian Nationalism.”

The examples given by Tyler at the committee hearing involved individuals, not groups or Christian denominations, which were later deemed unstable. Some examples included: Dillon Roof and his mass shooting at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church; Robert Bowers and the Tree of Life Synagogue; Brenton Tarrant and the Christchurch mosque. 

As far as anyone knows these killers were not Christian Nationalists. Based on their histories, it would appear Nazism, anti-Antisemitism, and racism were the impetuses for their deadly and evil acts. This would indicate that Tyler’s accusations were assertions and not evidentiary.

According to Tyler, Christian Nationalism also played a part in the January 6, 2021, protest which she too falsely labeled “an insurrection.” BJC and the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), which is an anti-Christian atheist group, issued a report in 2022 titled “Christian Nationalism and the January 06, 2021, Insurrection.”

The report contains 7 chapters. Half the chapters deal with commentary on Christian Nationalism. In one chapter, the writer states “By now most Americans understand that Christian Nationalism played a role in last year’s violent attack on the Capitol.” The writer has no corroborating evidence, and is merely making unsupported assertions. Other evidence in the report involves a statement once made by a Trump campaign staffer, “Trump loves the United States of America; he loves God.” This in the minds of the report’s authors is a sure sign of Christian Nationalism.

It should come as no surprise that there are forces in social activist groups and governmental agencies (FBI, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services) that seek to undermine and dismiss Christianity. Their agenda is to lessen its spiritual influence for the sake of their secular values. Let us recall back in 2023 and the FBI’s investigation of the Catholic Church and worshipers of the Latin mass, which they claimed as extremists.

There are voices speaking out in defiance of anti-Christian propaganda. They’re in government, religious institutions, and activist groups. They remind the American people that this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian values and principles, as captured in the words of John Adams “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” 

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