"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Hate Corrodes The Vessel It Resides In

September 16, 2024

Love, friendship, respect, will never unite people as much as a common hatred for something.” Anton Chekhov

There is something seriously wrong in America; we are a divided people, ideologically, culturally, socially, and religiously. This statement is not a new revelation, and should come as no surprise to most. But there is what I believe to be a growing and festering cynicism, a contemptuous and distrustful attitude among people toward those who think differently.

Since time immemorial, there has been conflict and disagreement, much of it created by one overriding factor that has been part of life throughout history. Hatred implies an emotional aversion to someone or something. In post-modern America, it seems hate has become, for many, second nature. This infectious cancer has taken root on a new and unique dimension, and much of it is directed at one person - former President Donald Trump. 

“People hate the ones who make them feel their own inferiority.” Lord Chesterfield

What is it the former president has done to have accrued so much animosity and hate? I recently had a conversation with an acquaintance. And I need to add this. I make it a point to refrain from introducing certain subjects into any discussions, politics in particular; it has a tendency these days to bring out the worst in people. 

We exchanged pleasantries, but before I could inquire about his family and business, I was interrupted with, “Who are you voting for?” My response did not go over too well. The back and forth that followed was dominated by the individual who could not restrain his emotional outburst. It occurred to me that this is not the same person I thought I knew. I’ll stop here and not waste your time with the rest of the conversation. Suffice it to say, it was disappointing and I suggested he calm down and think it over, and not allow it to control his life. I wished him and his family well; we did not part on friendly terms.

“They did not know how hate can burn, in hearts once changed from soft to stern.” Lord Byron

The hate comes from many sources - Democrats, Republicans, the media, academia, big business, the entertainment industry, and Hollywood. I think most people have read, perhaps even contributed to, the Letters to the Editor section of their local newspaper. I have over the years had many letters printed, and have gained a reputation, good and bad, as a conservative. 

Most of the liberal readers who send letters to the editor will on occasion mention my name, usually in a derogatory manner, as an example of a MAGA extremist. The depth of hatred is intense among these irrational people. Their hate-filled comments about the former president are unbounded, insulting, and un-American. I too have been the object of their contempt, and have on many occasions received crank, insulting phone calls.

The degree of unbridled hatred leveled at the former president is unparalleled in recent memory. The only other president to have been the object of such contempt was Abraham Lincoln, which was due to the Civil War. At one time Donald Trump was the man about town, a real estate baron, a dashing, suave, and sometimes controversial New Yorker. He was highy respected by most, on both sides of the political and ideological aisle. Perhaps it was his money, but at the time Mr. Trump was an admitted Democrat and liberal, who supported abortion.

Some believe it was Mr. Trump’s political ambitions that turned his friends into enemies. He did turn their world upside down, especially when he beat their favored candidate Hillary Clinton. From that point on, it was all downhill. The hate grew exponentially until it reached a crescendo.

“In time we hate the ones which we often fear.” William Shakespeare

The level of hate, not only toward the former president but his ‘MAGA’ supporters, is troubling and could very well lead to trouble, perhaps even civil unrest, should Mr. Trump win the November election. I am no psychologist, but it seems to me that many of these people are victims of some form of emotional and psychological exhaustion, and are in need of professional help. This might sound exaggerated and extreme, but I have concluded there is something definitely wrong, and it is more than just “Trump derangement syndrome.”

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