"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

A Powerful Ally In The War Against Christians

July 15, 2024

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, is facing extreme headwinds and pressure from both sides of the political aisle, media, and big business, to resign and step down from office. While most of the attention is being paid to whether Biden is fit to serve, government agencies, one in particular, continue to inflict havoc on certain American people. I speak of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation/ FBI.

It is common knowledge by now that the FBI is biased in its crime-fighting and investigative activities. Based on reports and congressional hearings it is confirmed that any group or institution that is considered conservative and right of center is in the FBI crosshairs. As I have written about in the past, several FBI field offices have engaged in nefarious activities by starting dossiers on the Catholic Church, in particular the faithful who worship at the Tridentine (Latin) mass. 

The Biden administration and its agencies, in persecuting those groups that it considers as harboring extremist elements in their ranks, threaten constitutional freedoms. As of this writing there have been close to 400 attacks on Catholic Church’s and Prolife Pregnancy Centers, and there have been no arrests made of any perpetrator.

The reaction of the Department of Justice and FBI toward conservative groups is unprecedented and poses a direct threat to freedom of speech and religion. One might ask why this is happening. I believe it is based on the Biden administration’s biased attitude toward religion, in general, and the fact that conservatives are more inclined to observe religious values and practice their faith.

This brings me to what can best be described as a reckless and ruthless travesty. The Biden Justice Department and its local affiliate, in Washington DC, revealed just how biased and dangerous they can be. In October 2020, a group of 12 pro-life advocates conducted a peaceful sit-in at a late-term abortion clinic, by chaining themselves to the entrance. In the recent trial, the pro-life advocates were convicted of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, and are now serving prison sentences of up to 2 years.

The defendants were responding to an incident that occurred two months before their October 2020 protest. In August 2020, the driver of a medical waste van outside Santangelo’s late-term abortion facility handed over to a group of rescuers the remains of 115 babies. Most were well-developed – second and possibly third trimester. The remains have been kept in a vault at the D.C. Medical Examiner’s Office. 

The defendants testified that this particular facility, the Washington Surgi-Clinic, performed illegal full-term abortions, and was guilty of infanticide. The abortionist at the Clinic is well known among the pro-life; the notorious Cesare Santangelo. In an undercover investigation by the pro-life group Live Action, Santangelo admitted that if an abortion failed, and the baby was born, he would not introduce any life-saving measures, and would let the baby die.

One of the protesters is Paulette Harlow; a 75-year-old Roman Catholic who will serve time in prison, while suffering from cancer. At a June 22 gathering of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, former President Trump in his speech mentioned Paulette Harlow, and the Biden administration’s war against Christians, especially Catholics.

Mr. Trump went further in stating, “Paulette is one of many peaceful pro-lifers whom Joe Biden has rounded up, sometimes with SWAT teams, and thrown them in jail. Many people are in jail over this, and we’re going to get that taken care of immediately - on the first day.” Mr. Trump then added, that his administration will “rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner who’s unjustly victimized by the Biden regime, including Paulette, so we can get them out of the gulags and back to their families where they belong.”

The Biden administration, Democrats, and the media have been shouting from the rooftops about how former President Trump poses a threat to democracy. However, since taking power, the administration has selectively imposed the long arm of government on its political enemies.      

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