Title IX: The Biden Administration’s Radical UpdateMay 6, 2024When a government interferes in the lives of the people, and takes measures with underlying repercussions, to establish conditions and rules that are antithetical to traditional values and institutions, then freedom is diminished. The only words that come to mind, with minor revision, are captured in the old euphemism “Oh, what a tangled web they weave, when first they practice to deceive.” The Biden administration is once again imposing its radical agenda, which will have adverse effects on institutions, public and private, that do not adhere to its mandate. Under much pressure from advocacy groups, the Education Amendment Act (EAA) of 1972, section Title IX, is on the verge of being updated by the administration. In most cases, corrections and changes in previously established legislation can be a good thing. Certain aspects of the issues evolved, or were overlooked, or perhaps intentionally dismissed at the time and left off the legislation. However, this new update is highly controversial and will have negative consequences, especially for private entities like religious institutions. The EAA was enacted to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded entities. The Biden administration’s update is to provide a defense mechanism against any discrimination toward LGBTQ+, and codify the updates into law. This will allow opportunities for LGBTQ+ to engage in all activities unencumbered, and in some cases, it would deny biological reality. In a statement issued, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, said “For more than 50 years, Title IX has promised an equal opportunity to learn and thrive in our nation's schools, free from sex discrimination. These final regulations build on the legacy of Title IX by clarifying that all our nation’s students can access schools that are safe, welcoming, and respect their rights.” The Secretary speaks for the administration, and is expected to represent these updates in a positive light. But the only segment of the population to accept them is the Democrats, their supporters, and LGBTQ radicals. The updates thus far that are to be enacted do not address the one issue that I believe is on the mind of most parents, and the American people in general. That is transgender students engaged in sports activities; biological males participating in girl’s sports. The Biden administration had planned to include a prohibition against any school or institution that would place restrictions on transgender students. However, this addition to the update is still being considered in the rule-making process. Former Secretary of Education under the Trump administration, Betsy DeVos stated on social media referring to the update, “The federal law will now be used to harm women.” Senior Policy Analyst for the Independent Women’s Forum, Inez Feltscher Stepman did not mince words in her criticism “This is a regulation that attacks the definition of sex, due process, and free speech rights.” These changes are “packed with fire alarm fires that affect millions of students. This touches every educational institution that receives federal money - not just universities, but every public school in America, and a not insubstantial percentage of private schools, too.” These updates will also have the capacity to diminish parental rights regarding gender transition of their children, and also affect the free speech rights of male students who are accused of sexual misconduct. According to Feltscher Stepman, this change will reverse the Trump administration’s return to sanity, and restore the kangaroo courts of the Obama era, on college campuses. The Biden administration is weaponizing Title IX to placate the transgender community, which is less than 1% of the population, at the expense of women and girls, and public and private institutions that receive federal money. Even though it is not mentioned in the update, I believe lurking in the background is “drag queen story hour,” which is next in line for an update. To all the parents with school-age children, prepare yourselves for the oncoming flood of biological males in girls' sports, showers, dressing rooms, and restrooms. The Biden administration has surrendered its soul to the radical, progressive, Marxist Left. These radicals seek to blur the line between the sexes, and advance a gender-neutral ideology as the norm, defying nature and nature's God.
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