A Worthy Cause?April 22, 2024The American people are generous and compassionate; altruism is second nature to them. And when emergencies arise, they will assist and devote their time and energy to others in need, and will also give from their meager earnings. With this in mind, what would you consider a worthy cause? We can probably all agree on feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, shelter for the homeless, uplifting the downtrodden and indigent, care for the medically infirm, especially children, helping the mentally challenged, serving one's country in the military, and the welfare of veterans, among others. I will add the Pro-life Movement. There are institutions and charitable organizations that collect and disburse contributions to these worthy causes. Most of these are credible and will use the funds they collect in an honest and amicable manner. Not all causes, however, are what can be considered as worthy. Just like anything else in life, there are those among us whose motives are self-serving, and would use the needs of others for profit and power. What is the definition of a worthy cause? What is one's worthy cause might not be righteous or acceptable to someone else. It recently came to mind, what Democrats consider a worthy cause. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt, and assume all of the above. But there is one that I believe they place above all others - Abortion. The Biden administration is failing on each of the issues that are of importance and concern to the American people, including the southern border, illegal immigration, the economy, inflation, crime, and foreign policy. Realizing their dilemma, the Democratic Party and their leader have revealed that they intend to focus their energies and use abortion as their primary issue in the presidential campaign. The Founding Fathers did not consider abortion a worthy cause; one in particular was Judge James Wilson, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a Supreme Court Justice, who said; “With consistency, beautiful and undeviating, human life from commencement to its close is protected by the common law. In the contemplation of law, life begins when the infant is first able to stir in the womb. By law, life is protected not only from immediate destruction, but from every degree of actual violence, and in some cases, from every degree of danger.” What did the country’s founders know that today’s political class is oblivious to? Most were God-fearing and Christians and believed in God. They reflected their belief in the Declaration of Independence in the phrase “Endowed by their Creator.” I question the moral certitude of Democrats today; they appear to have lost sight of God. Their radical malicious actions and behavior belies any faith in "a Higher Power." The Democratic Party's agenda is radical to the extreme in the political spectrum. The issues they advocate for - same-sex marriage, transgenderism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), illegal immigration, and unrestricted abortion - are antithetical to Western values and the Judeo-Christian heritage of America. One can only conclude they are morally corrupt. Since Roe vs. Wade was overturned, Democrats and their radical supporters have been on a rampage. They have protested endlessly, attacking and damaging churches and Pro-life healthcare centers. Such unabated advocacy for the brutal killing of the innocent unborn is not only abominable, but is evil. In the minds of Democrats and their supporters and enablers in the media, the killing of innocent babies in their mothers' wombs is a worthy cause. The sanctity and dignity of unborn life completely eludes them in their quest for political dominance and power. Their radical agenda is inhumane and unworthy of a righteous and virtuous people, of which they have proven they are not.
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