Why Don’t You Just Take A Walk?March 25, 2024Don’t be offended by the title. The last several articles I’ve offered for your perusal have been of a rather dark and unsettling nature. I thought it time to take a break from all the drudgery and harshness of the current day. In an effort to restore a measure of sanity and optimism, I have discovered there are activities that one can partake in to ease the trials and tribulations most of us face. And there is one in particular that requires no experience and expertise, a minimum of physical exertion, and can have a life-changing impact. Just take a walk! The Wellness Platform Vitality (WPV) is the leader in improving health. Its core goal is “making people healthier, and improving health to unlock outcomes in this matter. By blending technology, data, incentives, and behavioral science, we inspire healthy changes in individuals and organizations. Vitality brings a global perspective through successful partnerships.” In a recent ten-year study (2013-2023) conducted by the Wellness Platform Vitality and the London School of Economics Vitality Habits (LSEVH) walking can invigorate one physically and mentally. Walking also has tremendous health advantages, and can stimulate the senses and induce an overall feeling of wellness. According to the study, walking roughly 5000 steps, approximately 2½ miles, three times a week for two years, could add over three years to your life expectancy, and decrease health costs by 13%. Over one million members of WPV were part of the study that looked at the habits and behaviors of the participants. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 28% of adults and 81% of adolescents are physically inactive. Should these numbers remain at these or comparable levels, “new cases of preventable diseases like Type 2 diabetes can be expected, and will end up costing health systems $27 billion more each year.” In its report, Vitality believes that not participating in enough physical activity is associated with up to“5 million premature deaths globally every year and 1 in 5 worldwide deaths associated with poor diet.” And by 2035 Vitality estimates “over 1.5 billion people will be classified as obese.” Research also reveals minor positive changes in lifestyle can have beneficial effects for all age groups. Even small changes in one’s lifestyle can have a significant effect on their overall physical and mental health. People 65 years and older had a 52% reduction in their mortality risk after maintaining a regular exercise pattern of 7500 steps three or four times a week. People in the age bracket of 45 to 65 realized a 38% reduction in mortality risk, while the total population saw a 27% reduction. There can be an even greater reward for developing a walking regimen. Research shows that 7500 steps a day, about 3.75 miles led to a bulk reduction in common cause mortality, and beyond this “sweet spot” showed additional incremental health improvements. The research revealed that maintaining a regimen of physical activity at least three times a week for more than two years can have a beneficial impact across all age groups. This adds 2½ years to the life expectancy for men, and 3 years for women. Professor Joan Costa-Font of the London School - LSEVH - stated, “The findings of this study are a clear call to action for policymakers to promote prevention in public health public health.” The CEO of Vitality US, Maia Surmaya added, “Given the health care cost crisis in the United States, following these steps for creating robust habits could lead to a notable change in both health and health care costs.” By now you might have guessed that I am a walker, and you’d be right. Although public transportation is available I still prefer to walk, about 25 to 30 miles a week and have done so for over 25 years. This regime of personal habits can be for any number of reasons; a trip to the supermarket, library, department store, visiting a family member or relative, and business purposes. And in each case, the underlying element is to exercise. This is not to say that walking will guarantee you a life free from any health setbacks. But there is one thing you can be certain of, the life you live will be healthier and doctor visits less apprehensive and with more positive results. So, get up off your EZ chair, turn off the TV, put down the phone, put on a good pair of walking shoes, and just take a walk.
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