A Vile Assault On The Catholic Church In A Sacred House Of WorshipMarch 4, 2024The 1960s were a volatile time in America. The Vietnam War and the Sexual Revolution were precursors of a highly charged period that manifested the advent of what we face today, the Culture War. Unlike most conflicts, this is not a war fought with weapons, bullets, and bombs, but of words, protests, and in some cases, violence. It involves battles on a number of fronts: abortion, religion, politics, education, academia, the military, the entertainment industry, big business, the LGBTQ movement, and the media complex. These issues and institutions have created a great divide among the American people along philosophical lines. The Right vs. the Left has been at odds; those on the Right usually live according to the Judeo-Christian ethic and embrace traditional values and institutions, and are pro-life. Most are true believers and attend religious services; their faith is an integral part of their lives. Those on the Left, however, support abortion rights; faith and religion serve no purpose in their lives. They are more accepting of moral relativism, with no absolute truths. Promiscuity, a product of the sexual revolution, is not frowned upon and is convenient for their enjoyment. They mock those on the Right who they believe are inferior and uneducated. Of the issues and institutions I mentioned, two in particular have had a devastating effect on the general population, and have bloodied both sides in the culture war. Abortion has taken an estimated 325,000 innocent unborn lives annually, and since 1973, the Roe vs. Wade decision over 65,000,000. Abortion has also been a major factor in electoral politics, to the detriment of us all. With some certainty, most of you who will read this article are well aware of what I have shared, and you might ask, “Why go over this again?” The other of the two issues I mentioned previously is the LGBTQ movement, and it has had a damning effect. This lifestyle defies nature and nature's God, and has become dangerous and has cost lives. The LGBTQ movement has imposed itself in each of the issues and institutions discussed here. There have been numerous instances of domestic terrorism perpetrated by activists. One in particular was the mass shooting at the Covenant Christian School in Nashville, Tennessee in March of 2023. Audrey Hale, a transgender, murdered six, including three 9-year-old children. Hale was a former student at the school and left a manifesto, which is believed to have been anti-Christian. To this day the killer’s thoughts have not been released by the local authorities. Many believe they have been pressured to keep it under wraps. This brings me to an event that is tantamount to criminal activity, and a grievous assault that will not be forgotten anytime soon. On February 15 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, known as America’s Hometown Church, a funeral mass attended by over one thousand participants was held. The request came from what was thought to be family and friends. It is rare, however, that a funeral mass is requested by a non-parishioner, but the cathedral agreed to hold the service. What the cathedral did not agree to, however, is that the funeral mass was for a transgender female, a biological male, Cecelia Gentili. Gentili was an avowed atheist, and was eulogized as “St. Cecelia, the mother of all whores.” St. Patrick’s was lied to, and it was proven to be intentional and was admitted to by the individual who requested the mass; there was also a diabolical motive. The cathedral was witness to transgender females dressed in miniskirts and fishnet stockings. During the sacrilegious and blasphemous event, there were performances and singing and dancing in the aisles. Sacred hymns were sung, but the lyrics were changed in further defilement of the Catholic faith. The Ave Maria was changed to Ave Cecelia. The Reverend Enrique Salvo was saddened by the defilement of the cathedral and said, "Thanks to so many who have let us know they share our outrage over the scandalous behavior at a funeral here earlier this week. The cathedral only knew that family and friends were requesting a funeral mass for a Catholic, and had no idea our welcome and prayers would be degraded in such a sacrilegious and deceptive way.” The repercussions of this disgraceful event may go beyond the assault on the cathedral and the reaction of the Catholic clergy and faithful. Catholic Vote is a leading advocacy group; its president Brian Burch believes a “hate crime” was committed. He has sent a letter to New York Attorney General Letitia James, which requested an “investigation into the facts and circumstances surrounding the recent use of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City by transgender activists…they deceptively gained access and advanced ideas and beliefs hostile to the doctrine of the Catholic Church, while openly mocking these beliefs.” The Catholic Church does not recognize same-sex marriage and rejects the concept of transgenderism, and considers them antithetical to church doctrine and teachings. Because of what has occurred, and the defilement of the cathedral, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, called for a rare Mass of Reparation to restore the sanctity of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. This defiance of the Catholic Church is a travesty and should be a clear indication that the LGBTQ movement, and especially its transgender members, has no respect for the dignity and beliefs of others, and the sanctity of the Church.
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