Beware, Big Brother Is WatchingJanuary 29, 2024It is January 20, 2024, as I write this piece; three years have passed since the inauguration of the 46th President of the United States Joe Biden. When I awoke that day it was with hope and expectation that the new president and administration would carry on the successful policies of their predecessor, former President Donald Trump. Back then, I was more than willing to give the new president and administration an opportunity to govern with equanimity. Wisdom, strength - both morally and politically, and good judgment in domestic and foreign affairs; these are the hallmarks of a just presidency. But, I should have realized at the outset that what we’re dealing with here, is a president incapable of carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the office, and a power-hungry Democratic Party. Since taking office President Biden and his administration, whether through ineptitude or willful ignorance, have imposed on the American people a failed radical agenda that has further divided us. They have proven themselves to be ideologically and politically driven by a far-Left extremist philosophy. Their intent, I believe, is to impose a more expansive form of government into the lives of the people. In past writings, I have commented on the threat to our freedoms and the danger of a weaponized Department of Justice. The Biden administration has given its agencies, namely the FBI, Homeland Security, the CIA, and the Internal Revenue Service, discretionary powers over the lives of the American people. This entails pursuing and investigating any entity it believes poses a threat to the administration, specifically conservatives, Republicans, and Trump MAGA supporters, labeling them extremists. In 2023 it was revealed that offices of the FBI, in several states, had developed an initiative to investigate the Catholic Church. In particular were those who worshiped according to the Tridentine (Latin) mass. There were reports that agents had infiltrated select parishes, and attempted to coerce members into spying on their fellow parishioners. Director of the FBI Christopher Wray appeared at a congressional subcommittee hearing. He testified in this matter, but it was later revealed that he was untruthful in parts of his testimony. Here we are now in 2024, and new revelations have surfaced that the administration's clandestine operations have also breached consumer privacy. After the January 6 (2021) Capital riot, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of Strategic Operations (FinCEN) has been monitoring what products the American people are purchasing. FinCEN requested that financial institutions provide them with customer transactions, by which they can be designated as extremists. If you have over the last several years walked into a bookstore and purchased a Bible - yes, you read that right - or a sporting goods store and purchased a fishing pole and reel, never mind a firearm, you may now be a person of interest. The banks were asked to look for specific “keywords or phrases,” such as Trump, MAGA, conservative, etc. The Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government is the driving force in investigating this threat to freedom. Congressman Jim Jordon, Chairman of the Judicial Committee, has commented, “According to an analysis, FinCEN warned financial institutions of ‘extremism’ indicators, including religious tests and subscriptions, and other media with extremist views.” The congressman went on to say, “FinCEN urged large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges based on protected political and religious expression. This kind of pervasive financial surveillance, carried out in coordination with and at the request of federal law enforcement, into Americans’ private transactions is alarming and raises serious doubts about FinCEN’s respect for fundamental civil liberties,” Jordan wrote. In a letter to Congressman Jordan, the President of the Catholic League Bill Donahue, wrote “FinCEN urged large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression.” As you may have noted elsewhere, this means that if someone bought a Bible, that kind of transaction could be flagged as an index of extremism. The impetus of the government’s intervention into what are protected areas of free speech is its paranoia when it comes to nationalism. It is the conservative philosophy that lives and upholds traditional values and institutions, love of country, and "America First." This is influenced by religion and practicing one's faith. These Americans are mostly Trump supporters, and the soul of the MAGA movement. The conservative philosophy is antithetical to the Biden administration and its leftist progressive agenda. This has forced the Commander-in-Chief, and his intelligentsia, to activate their forces to put down this rebellion. Be careful lest your name finds its way to their enemies list of extremists, if it is not already there.
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