Are Today's Schools And Colleges Educating Or Brainwashing?The chilling answer is most sadly the latter.By Ric Wasley January 22, 2024The vast majority of the current mess we find ourselves in can be traced back to one overwhelming issue - the Left’s insidious campaign to re-write history by brainwashing the young. The disinformation dominos that fell, and are still falling, are simple but brilliant in their malevolent intent. Following the tenets of Marxism and Fascism the Left began by radicalizing and brainwashing that first group of idealistic but naive youth longing for change and freedom in the first counter-culture revolution back in the 60’s. Ironically the first string of protests began at Berkeley and were held for freedom of speech and against academic censorship. I say “ironic” because as we all know to our sorrow, today's Leftist campus gulags have instituted the very same closed-minded and rigid ideology that my generation fought against way back then. But although many of us carried those beliefs in freedom with us into our middle-age and senior years, unfortunately, a reactionary segment of the Boomer generation did not. Somehow amid the guitars, Freedom, and “Do your own thing,” these neo-Marxists rejected all of that in favor of the petty power and tyranny of the totalitarian states to whom revolutions were a synonym for oppression. Thus while we went out into the world to pursue our dreams and careers, families, and lives, those Leftist/Marxist propagandists stayed on campus and and morphed their warped ideology and lust for petty power into a hatred for all aspects of Western civilization. This coincidently is exactly what every communist regime holds as one of their core beliefs. But Marxism is nothing if not patient. Slowly but inexorably over the next 60 years the strategic part of their long-term plan kicked in. Those most radical of the neo-Marxists were encouraged to stay on campus and become the next wave of professors and administrators. From there it was all downhill. The administrators began applying a Leftist litmus test for all academia and those hires ramped up cultural Marxism until they had created a rigid and intolerant totalitarian monolith of the cultural anti-West Marxism that now holds a death grip on virtually all higher education. This ensured that their graduates would go out and infect both the government and the corporate workplace with their ‘Woke’ cancel culture intolerant worldview. That would be bad enough if it were just limited to business and academia but Marxists are nothing if not thorough in their ruthlessness. They didn’t want to chance that any child could escape their radicalized anti-Western brainwashing. So they concentrated heavily on the teachers' colleges and all aspects of education. From the union heads down to the most benign nursery school teacher teaching toddlers that “white" is not a nice color and “R” stands for Racism. This is where we find ourselves today. And those of us who are old enough to have studied history before it was banned and corrupted will recognize that the tyrannical dictators in Germany, the USSR, and China all agreed on one key point - brainwash and poison the children to your ideology and by the time they graduate you will have their blind obedience for the rest of their lives. This is what the Democrats/Socialists are doing right now and sad to say, they are succeeding. If we hope to preserve any part of the American dream of Liberty and Justice for all, we must begin to make a concerted effort to take back the mechanics of education. Elect Conservatives to school boards, free the unions from corruption, and most of all, work with whatever colleges we can find that still retain a vestige of a belief in producing teachers committed to teaching students not what to think, but how to think.
![]() Ric Wasley is a writer and lecturer, as well as the author of the popular McCarthy Mystery Series. Ric has had a 40 year professional career history in advertising, publishing and marketing in Boston, New York and San Francisco. He has degrees in history and psychology and has been trained in debating, public speaking and stage acting. A large part of his 40 year career was spent in numerous professional and business settings as a presenter and featured speaker at seminars and professional meetings. Ric has been a visiting professor at Worcester Polytech Institute. He also teaches a popular course on marketing for authors at prominent venues such as the venerable “Cape Cod Writers Conference.” Wasley has been involved in both print and broadcast media as well as writing for business and commercial markets for over 30 years and continues to consult for a major media company. In addition to his novels and short stories, he has been published in several literary magazines. Wasley currently divides his time between Boston and his home on Cape Cod where he continues to write, lecture and create worlds where the unexpected thrives.