Face The New Year With Hope And PerseveranceJanuary 1, 2024As we say goodbye to 2023, and we’re not sorry to see you go, what are your expectations for the New Year? Perhaps you're uncertain, filled with anticipation, or just hopeful that we can make a course correction and see improvements in multiple areas. The past three years, including especially the last twelve months, have taken a toll on the American people and the nation. The crisis and humanitarian disaster at the southern border has only intensified. Illegal immigration has taken its toll on major cities that are facing insolvency. With budget deficits in the billions of dollars, many cities will need to cut vital services that will affect the quality of life of the residents. The wars in the Ukraine and Israel have had drastic and dire consequences, both in cost in dollars, and especially in human lives. Congress and the President cannot come to terms with aid packages to both countries, until they can reach an agreement on legislation that would include substantive plans for action at the southern border to significantly reduce the influx of illegal migrants. We must deal with a poor economy, inflation, America’s reputation and influence on the world stage, a commander-in-chief who is impaired, awkward, and unsteady on his feet. The American people are angry, divided, uncertain, and desperate for some measure of stability. In the midst of all this, 2024 is a presidential election year; it is going to be a knock-down, drag-out fight to the finish line and victory. With polls showing former President Trump leading Biden by up to 7%, the gloves have come off, and the long knives are out. Democrats in unison with their enablers in the media, academia, the entertainment industry, and deep state, have declared war on the former President and his supporters. Mr. Trump also faces 91 indictments for allegations pertaining to January 6, the Atlanta election fiasco, the Mar-a-Lago documents scandal, and civil charges of real estate and financial inequities in New York City. In a recent rally, Mr. Trump expressed his anger and contempt for the disastrous state at the southern border, “They (migrants) are poisoning the blood of the country.” The usual suspects, those entities I previously mentioned, willfully misconstrued his words and likened them to a similar statement made by Adolf Hitler. They have since the rally, ramped up their accusations that the former president is Hitler-like and will destroy our democracy. Things are only going to get worse. Democrats and the Left are out for blood, and the type is not positive or negative, but Trump's. They have proven their hatred of him and his supporters, and will not countenance his occupying the White House again. Whatever your position is on the former president, love him or hate him, be prepared for an ideological, social, and political war. For all the indictments, accusations, criticism, and allegations that have evolved since the former president left office, he has risen above it al and still commands the lead in all the polls. He is far ahead of his Republican rivals in the primary contest, as well as President Biden. This has infuriated Democrats, and has only added to their frustration and anger. The Democratic Party is in crisis mode, overwhelmed by its failure to silence, imprison, and deprive Mr. Trump of his right to run for the office of president and occupy the White House once again. This has led Democrats in the state of Colorado to reach into their bag of duplicitous tricks and pull out a whopper. They found four liberal Democratic justices to do their dirty work. Democrats have placed before the Colorado court what they consider a means to disqualify Mr. Trump from their state's primary - section three of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. This stipulates, among other reasons, that any American who is accused of engaging in an insurrection can be held accountable and penalized in a number ways. There’s only one problem with this idiotic move, the former president was never accused of insurrection during the January 6 riot. It might appear from what I have written here, that I believe the New Year, 2024, will be all doom and gloom - not so. My intent is to alert you of what I think is coming - expect the unexpected. The Democrats' fear and hatred of the Former President is unprecedented. They are a politically, ideologically, and emotionally driven party and will not hesitate to throw as much dirt as needed in defiance of the democratic process and election integrity. But no matter what the Democrats' plans and schemes, and all the difficulties we will face, we are strong and tenacious as Americans, and conservatives, and we will persevere in upholding traditional values and institutions, and the Judeo-Christian ethic, for the good of the nation and the world.
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