From An Outside ProspectiveNovember 13, 2023Have you ever wondered what the rest of the world thinks of America today? I can only guess, but they must think we have lost our way and are a divided nation going through what appears to be an identity crisis, morally and spiritually. And due to ineptitude in leadership and differences politically, ideologically, and culturally, we have forgotten our traditional values and Judeo-Christian heritage. So for purposes here, kindly indulge my fantasy of taking the role of a fictitious world leader pondering the American ethos. I sit here watching and waiting for the next shoe to fall. What is next, as I witness the outrageous and foolish activities of a nation considered the world’s great superpower? The so-called land of the free and home of the brave, but whose people elected a president who is both mentally and physically debilitated. Mr. Biden and his supporters, in and out of his administration, might not realize what the leaders of other nations think, but again I can only guess, and it is most likely not favorable. Sometimes I watch as the American president seems lost in his words and actions, wandering around trying to find his way off a stage. He stumbles and falls, and has difficulty climbing steps. At meetings with world leaders, Mr. Biden gives the impression that he is lost in his thoughts, is unpredictable, and has trouble communicating on matters of vital interest, even with a teleprompter or note cards. There have been occasions when in dealing with hostile adversaries of America I have listened, through an interpreter, to the disrespect they have for America and her president. They mock and laugh at him, and believe they can manipulate and take advantage, at times I dread in destructive ways. They have devices at their disposal, propaganda on social media, traditional media in all its manifestations, and exchange students on college and university campuses, who have allegiance to their homeland. Enemies and competitors look with amazement and disbelief; they shake their heads at how America seems to have lost her conscience and moral clarity. The people engage in trivial and mundane pursuits, while the rest of the world watches. Many Americans have lost their faith, both spiritually and in their leaders; religious observance is at an all-time low. There is a segment of society that is intent on rewriting America’s history, by undermining and eventually diminishing the foundation and essence of her origin, Western Civilization. These reckless despoilers have had a dire effect. Their efforts are to impose a totalitarian state, devoid of personal responsibility, and human dignity, and under total governmental control of the people. In America now, the lifestyle proclivities of some defy nature and nature's God. The ruling class, media, and even the military have given homosexuality a special and lofty status. There is unrestricted abortion, numbering in the millions. Parental rights are threatened, while their children in schools are subjected to questionable curriculum and activities, like the deviant behavior of what they call Drag Queens. These are adult males who read from sexually explicit books and prance around in feminine attire, parading themselves before the youngsters while performing lewd and vulgar gestures. Future leaders are being corrupted and indoctrinated in colleges and universities with socialist and Marxist dogma, by radical leftist progressive professors. Young impressionable minds are taught that America is an imperialistic, oppressive, and systemically racist nation, and that her capitalist system is flawed and must be disassembled. Satanism is gaining popularity, especially on college campuses and schools; clubs have been established, and dark masses performed. America’s sovereignty is being threatened. The Biden administration’s open southern border policy has allowed over seven million migrants, most illegal, entry into the country. This has created a humanitarian crisis and a disaster of catastrophic proportions. They come from all parts of the world, but most are from Central and South America. It has been proven that there have been entries from Asia, the Middle East, and Africa who appear on the FBI’s terrorist watch list, and could cause harm to the American homeland, and are presently in the country. What are called “Sanctuary Cities” are inundated with illegal migrant men, women, and children by the tens of thousands. They sleep in the streets, are placed in hotels, and some are housed in unused facilities and tent cities. All of this has caused civil unrest among American citizens, whose taxes must pay the bill, in the billions of dollars. Illegal drugs enter through the southern border; fentanyl has killed over one hundred thousand Americans, most are young adults. There’s a crime epidemic, out-of-control inflation, and housing shortages, with major cities seeing an exodus of citizens to greener, safer, and more prosperous pastures. The majority, over 75% of the American people, believe their country is on the wrong track. They blame President Biden and his party for the dismal state of the union, and his approval is at an all-time low. The one issue that causes me and the rest of the world’s leaders to look at America and wonder, what are they thinking? There are nations that are ruled by tyrants and dictators, and who subject their people to lives of hardship and poverty. Once in power, these regimes will use any means to hold onto that power. Even an election will not impede their ambitions. They will propagandize, threaten and manipulate for an acceptable outcome, and any adversary or opponent will be eliminated, one way or another. Former American President Donald Trump, in my and others' opinions, has become the target of one such regime. Like a third-world banana republic, the Biden administration and its law enforcement agencies, the FBI, CIA, and DHS, are conducting an all-out attack on Mr. Trump. They seek to thwart his campaign for reelection in 2024 by issuing numerous indictments for matters that are ridiculous and politically driven. This is unprecedented in American history, and it has caused those of us looking from the outside much concern and unease. Finally, I am saddened by what is happening in America. Even though we have had some disagreements, we could usually arrive at a resolution that satisfied all parties concerned. I pray and am hopeful that America will find her way out of this morass and these challenging times, that she will once again be a beacon of hope, a light in the darkness that transcends all her trials and tribulations.
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