College and University Campuses, Breeding Grounds Of HatredNovember 6, 2023There is something terribly wrong in America today, and the genesis of what I believe is an approaching storm is found on college campuses and the streets of major cities. Students are behaving in a manner that is reckless, irresponsible, and dangerous. They would deny others their right to live in freedom and dignity. Unless someone steps forward, whether in government, academia, or law enforcement, and speaks to this growing unrest, this could manifest itself in civil unrest and eventually lead to violence. Since the October 7 (2023) attack by Hamas terrorists on the people of southern Israel, students on college campuses throughout the nation have held protests and rallies. The overwhelming majority stand in defiance of Israel, and in support of the Hamas terrorists and the Palestinian people. They have been led to believe that Israel is to blame; some are even denying the atrocities of October 7 took place. This disturbing reaction has created a hate-filled climate that most attribute to anti-Semitism. Student demonstrators, together with some professors and outside agitators, have taken to the university campuses and streets of cities across the country. In many cases, they have clashed with police for blocking streets and holding up traffic, and a number have been arrested. There have been attacks on synagogues, they have been defaced and vandalized. Posters with pictures of the 200-plus hostages abducted by the Hamas terrorists that have been put up around the city have been torn down by pro-Palestinian groups. Before all this, one would have expected the American people, young and old, to support Israel. These anti-Israel groups however think differently, and what makes it even more egregious is knowing that there are fellow Americans among those killed and the hostages taken. At Cooper Union College in New York, a group of Jewish students found it necessary to barricade themselves inside the university’s library. Meanwhile, a large contingent of pro-Palestinian demonstrators stormed through security and made their way to the library, and began pounding on the doors and windows while the Jewish students cowered inside in fear for their lives. Some of the protestors carried signs that read “Zionism - Hands Off Our University.” The president of the university, Laura Sparks, stated it was a “peaceful protest,” but then went on to say “To maintain a safe space, the library was closed for approximately 20 minutes while some student protestors moved through the building, some chanting protest slogans and banging on the library doors and windows.” Roselyn Lent, one of the students locked inside the library, commented “I can say that I felt unsafe and unprotected, and I would like the university to admit what went on and not avoid the topic. I was shocked that I was experiencing this in my private university, in America, in 2023.” John Podhoretz is a Jewish writer of note; he wrote in part “I have thought every day of the blessing America has been to the Jewish people, a blessing unlike any I have ever known, and this the most Jewish city in the world outside Israel. At this moment, though, the Jews had better hide. I cannot tell you how terrifying this is.” The White House National Security Council spokesman, John Kirby, commented, “Over the past week we’ve seen protests and statements that call for the annihilation of the state of Israel, and the genocide of the Jewish people. This is the definition of unacceptable.” As of this writing, I have seen no report on any remarks made by President Biden. In response to the protests, Congressman Jerry Nadler (D/NY) stated “On campus, there are often codes about hate speech and a culture of safety, and Jewish students must have access to the protection of school administrations. If the school fails to respond appropriately, they may be in violation of federal civil rights law.” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has implemented a ban on any Pro-Palestinian student group, explaining “It provides harmful support to terrorist groups.” Education Chancellor Ray Rodriguez wrote in a letter to universities, “Based on the National SJP support of terrorism, in consultation with Governor DeSantis, the student chapters must be deactivated.” Perhaps what we’re experiencing was to be expected. It has been no secret the state of education, especially in colleges and universities, is not what one could describe as traditional. Young minds are twisted, corrupted, and indoctrinated by leftist professors, many of whom have expressed anti-Israel/Jewish sentiments. As I stated previously, someone or a group must address this dangerous situation. It would also be appropriate and meaningful for the President of the United States to appear before the people. Mr. Biden should speak about America’s support of Israel and the well-being of the Palestinian people, and that we will not tolerate any threat or violence toward any American, especially people of faith.
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