The Biden Justice Department’s Flagrant Abuse of Americans and the ConstitutionOctober 23, 2023“People crushed by laws, have no hope but to evade power. If the laws are their enemies, they will be enemies of the law; and those who have most to hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous.” Edmund Burke There comes a time in life when you must stand up and fight. I’m not talking fisticuffs here; physical confrontation should be a last resort in most situations. This has to do with your rights as an American, and your expectations of the government you elected, its leaders, and provisions. What happens, then, when those in power pursue an agenda that undermines your rights as a citizen, and threatens your safety, security, and freedom? It has recently been revealed that the Biden administration has embarked on a dangerous politically-driven endeavor. Its law enforcement agency, the FBI has created a new category of extremists that it will track and counter. Americans who support former President Trump, the MAGA right wing, are now in the anti-government/democracy movement and any person or group that the Biden administration considers adverse to its leftist agenda will be in their crosshairs. The “Anti-government, anti-authority, violent extremism” - its acronym (AGAAVE) will receive similar counter-terrorist methods that it employs against al Qaeda. In pursuing what one report referred to as a phantom menace, these citizen enemies of the state, mostly conservative Republicans, are seen as having become a danger to society. William Arkin, a renowned investigative reporter, reports that the FBI’s “Current anti-government investigations are specifically directed at Trump supporters.” The FBI has expanded its investigatory efforts according to Arkin, from “furtherance of ideological agendas, to furtherance of political and/or social agendas. We’ve become too prone to labeling anything we don’t like as extremism, and then any extremist a terrorist.” The Biden administration, for the first time in this nation’s history, has cast aside the Constitution and replaced it with the agenda of a third-world banana republic. Think of it, we learned earlier this year how the FBI was investigating the Catholic Church and those worshippers who practiced the Tridentine-Latin mass. The agency then expanded its paranoia into the general population of Catholics. What seems to be going on is a government regime that will not tolerate any American citizen’s criticisms of its leftist progressive agenda. FBI whistleblower Steve Friend testified before Congress, as a critic of the agency, making this statement when AGAAVE was made known, “There is this belief that half the country are domestic terrorists, and we can’t have a conversation with them. There is a fundamental belief that unless you are voicing what we agree with, you are the enemy.” Although it has only recently been reported on, AGAAVE was first given a classification by the FBI in October of 2022. It was a new subcategory of domestic terrorists and its nomenclature reads “domestic violent extremists who cite anti-government or anti-authority for violence or criminal activity, not otherwise defined, such as individuals motivated by a desire to commit violence against those with a real or perceived association with a specific political party or faction of a political party.” The FBI is directing this at conservatives, Republicans, pro-life advocates, Christianity, and in particular the Catholic Church.
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