Evil Has Many FacesOctober 16, 2023Parents beware - your children are threatened by a lurking evil. The Old and New Testaments are replete with the mentioning of the Devil. Even where there’s love, goodness, and decency, evil is in their midst and has flourished throughout history. But in post-modern secular America, there now exists a new breeding ground where evil festers. Since its inception, the internet has proven itself to be both a godsend and a godless threat. There is one thing that most of us should by now have learned - don’t believe everything you see, hear, and read. This is true in the media, cable and network news, local tabloids, the internet, and especially social media. And then there’s the Dark Web, where every vile malicious and hateful rhetoric and conspiracy is disseminated. Several weeks ago I received an email. At first glance, I questioned the information thinking it was made-up, based on unfamiliarity with the sender. My reason for any skepticism was that I thought the story was too dark and maleficent, even for today’s morally challenged culture. But then again nothing should surprise any of us. After having checked into the information, I could find no confirmation. But recently I was able to confirm the story from two sources. And now The FBI has opened an investigation. The agency has issued a public service announcement that warns Americans, “of a violent Satanic pedophile online group that is deliberately targeting children on publicly available messaging platforms to extort them into recording or live-streaming acts of self-harm and producing child sexual abuse material (CSAM).” The warning goes on to say “these groups use threats, blackmail, and manipulation to control the victims into recording or live-streaming self-harm, sexually explicit acts, and/or suicide.” The announcement continues, “The footage is then circulated among members to extort victims further and exert control over them.” The group uses several aliases: 764, 676, CVLT, Court, Kaska, Harm Nation, Leak Society, and H311. The FBI indicated the prime targets of the group/ cult are children between the ages of 8 and 17, and in particular those suffering from gender confusion, depression, and thoughts of suicide. The FBI noted that “if a victim does not comply with this (ruthless demonic) group,” they’re extorted and risk being blackmailed and doxed - the action or process of searching for and publishing private or identifying information about a particular individual on the internet, typically with malicious intent. Those who wish to join the group/cult are required to upload videos of their victims performing sadistic acts, such as mistreating animals, harming themselves, mutilation, and other acts of violence. Part of the FBI’s alert dealt with a warning to people to exercise caution when posting information on social media, like personal photos, videos, and dating apps, etc. The FBI warns “Advancements in content creation technology and accessible personal images online present new opportunities for malicious actors to find and target minor victims. This leaves them vulnerable to embarrassment, harassment, extortion, financial loss, or continued long-term re-victimization.” The group has its origins in an older larger organization known as the “Order of Nine Angels,” which was designated by the Institute For Strategic Dialogue as a “decentralized Satanic neo-Nazi organization.” The Order of Nine Angels' impetus was the overthrow of Western governments, believing the Judeo-Christian ethic “corrupts modern society,” and their influence has recently gained momentum. What was it that brought this dangerous and evil group’s existence to the attention of the FBI and the public? I believe it was just a fortunate turn of events. Otherwise, the groups’ nefarious motives would not have come to light. According to reports, a 23-year-old resident of Queens, NY was being investigated on gun charges. While searching the suspect’s home, federal authorities found a stash of weapons and ammunition. In addition, there was information on the “Order of Nine Angels.” Further investigation led to the discovery of the group’s social media mission to destroy the lives of families and children.
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