Virtue And The Moral OrderOctober 9, 2023“Without courage there can be no truth, and without truth there can be no other virtue.” Sir Walter Scott Some would say that virtue is in short supply in post-modern America. For this reason, we find ourselves in the midst of a culture that has lost sight of absolute truths. Religious observance has declined over the past several years, and the principle pillars of the moral order are collapsing, replaced by relativism. People have lost sight of the important things, leading to a temporal material existence, instead of concentrating on the infinite. The Founding Fathers spoke and wrote often on the unassailable value of virtue, in both the people and their elected leaders. * “The order of nature is that individual happiness shall be inseparable from the practice of virtue.” [Thomas Jefferson] * “The institution of delegated power implies that there is a portion of virtue and honor among mankind which may be a reasonable foundation of confidence.” [Alexander Hamilton] * “To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty of happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea.” [James Madison] * “The only foundation of a free constitution, is pure virtue. If this cannot be inspired into our people in greater measure than they have it now, they may change their rulers and the form of government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty.” [John Adams] In his recently released book, “War On Virtue, How The Ruling Class is Killing the American Dream,” Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, analyzes how the progressive Left has undermined and declared war on virtue. The author concentrates on traditional values and explains how discipline, personal responsibility, and perseverance are principles that are threatened today by the cultural degradation of a demoralized state. Donohue’s conclusion, and the main theme of the book, is that absence of virtue, will destroy the American Dream. Unless one is oblivious to the world around us, there is a segment of society that has cast aside virtue and prefers to live their lives according to another creed. This consists of pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and slothfulness; we know them as the seven deadly sins. The ruling state, celebrity and cultural elite, the entertainment industry, Hollywood, and the progressive left have replaced virtue with vice, and have captured the minds of the spiritually weak, gullible, and those who would deny the existence of God. Virtue is the essence of the religious roots of Western Civilization and the Judeo-Christian ethos; the moral foundation of America. We can conclude from this, how and why Christianity is being undermined and persecuted today. The Biden administration and its agencies, especially the Department of Education, and the deep state, and media, all espouse beliefs and a way of life that are antithetical to the traditional values and principles of a virtuous life. In “War On Virtue,” Donohue explains how “Virtue is a critical component of the ‘scale of values.’ From the ancient world to the latest surveys of the American people, happiness has always been tied to Virtue. The Cardinal Virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance were described by Plato and Cicero. But in addition to these foundational virtues, there is another that is most important to the realization of the American dream, patriotism.” Donohue’s conclusion, and as the Founding Fathers believed, a people devoid of virtue will not find happiness and productive lives, and dash any hope for achieving the American dream. “America is great because she is good, if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” [Alexis de Tocqueville]
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